Does My Child Have Dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia is a type of learning disabilities related to difficulties in mathematics.
It is often recognized in school, however if uninformed, may looks like the child is “lazy in math” or “dislike math”. Some of the symptoms are difficulties in recognizing numbers and understanding basic mathematical concepts.
Dyscalculia is a brain-based disorder, which implies inefficiencies of brain areas associated with mathematics skills. As parents and teachers, it is important to know dyscalculia symptoms.
However, dyscalculia is a clinical disorder that requires a brain diagnostic analysis by professional clinician, so interventions can be chosen specifically based the uniqueness of each brain condition.
Below are the signs of dyscalculia found in early childhood, middle childhood, adolescent, and adult.
Early Childhood
- Difficulties in counting
- Difficulties in identifying written numbers
- Difficulties in linking concept of number (e.g. 4) to practical concept of the number in reality (e.g. 4 horses, 4 cards, 4 children)
- Difficulties in memorizing numbers
- Difficulties in categorization using logic, e.g. putting circular object in square place
Middle Childhood
- Difficulties in learning mathematical facts & concepts (summation, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
- Difficulties in developing mathematical problem solving skills
- Difficulties in long term memory, especially to mathematical function
- Unfamiliar with mathematical vocabularies
- Difficulties in measuring
- Avoiding games that require strategy
Adolescent & Adult
- Difficulties in predicting/estimating cost, e.g. grocery shopping
- Difficulty in learning mathematical concept, including basic calculation
- Difficulties in making expense report or any other financial report
- Difficulties in time concept, e.g. being on time, estimating time
- Difficulties in doing mental calculation
- Difficulties in finding logical solutions for problems
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