Children with Special Needs
What does "Special Needs" mean?
The terms “special needs” is often used to refer to various neuro-developmental diagnoses such as Autism, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity-Disorder, Learning Disabilities, etc. However, these diagnoses can have overlapping symptoms that may be confusing. In order to fully understand the neurological correlates of dysfunctional behaviour or performance, the use of brain diagnostics needs to be a fundamental part of an assessment to fully address the characteristics of particular “special needs”. Access our suite of inventories & tests below as a starting point to find resources that can address your specific to your needs or concerns.
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities (LD) is neuro-developmental conditions comprises of dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia.
These disabilities highly impact learning, especially in the context of school. It is also less known compared to other conditions.
Specific diagnosis will be useful in choosing appropriate interventions to maximise learning potential.
Questionnaires (COMING SOON)
Does your child have dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia? Do you want to know more about the characteristics of a child with these conditions? Take our questionnaire below.
Articles & Resources (COMING SOON)
Read various articles related to Learning Disabilities as well as free eBooks, newsletter, and other resources that will help you on your journey.