Non-Invasive Neuromodulation
Here’s a snapshot of some training & treatment modalities Brain Optimax offers.
(EEG Biofeedback)
Neurofeedback reads electrical activities of the brain and trains them to generate optimal condition for functioning.
EEG Biofeedback involves placing electrodes on the scalp to read brainwave activity. This procedure is non-invasive as it does not require the use of radio-pharmaceuticals and nothing is put inside the brain.

HEG Biofeedback
HEG is a modality that specifically trains the prefrontal cortex in order to enhance concentration, impulse control, planning, organising, sequential processing, etc.
In a HEG session, near or passive infrared sensors are used to detect and display blood flow dynamics on a monitor in real-time, allowing the trainee to effect positive change. By increasing blood oxygenation, metabolism is encouraged in the associated cortical area, leading to optimal functioning. HEG training has been evidenced to be efficacious in various clinical conditions such as migraine, depression, ADHD, learning difficulties, perception issues, cognitive issues, obsessive compulsive tendencies (OCD), Autism, seizures and mild-to-moderate head trauma.
Toomim, H., Mize, W., Yeekwong, P., Toomim, M., Marsh, R., Kozlowski, G., Kimball, M., Antoine Remond, A. Intentional Increase of Cerebral Blood Oxygenation Using Hemoencephalography (HEG): An Efficient Brain Exercise Therapy.
Stokes D. and Lappin, M., Hemoencephalography Biofeedback and Thermal Biofeedback With 37 Migraineurs. EEG Biofeedback.

(Transcranial Direct Stimulation)
tDCS is used in various clinical conditions, such as speech difficulties/delay, cognitive issues, stroke, epilepsy, and depression.
(Audio Visual Entrainment)
AVE has been used to treat depression, anxiety, chronic pain, sleep issues, and addiction.
AVE has been evidenced by research to support learning, memory enhancement and boosts the body’s immune system by increasing dendrite growth. AVE can also improve athletic performance by increasing the brain’s efficiency under pressure.

Peripheral Biofeedback
Peripheral biofeedback trains the body to reduce involuntary activation under stress and go back to its initial condition, preventing prolonged stress response.
The body’s response to thoughts and emotions is very important in daily life. A constant state of stress (e.g., rapid breathing, palpitation, inordinate sweating, anxiety, rumination) upsets our homeostatic balance and poses a challenge to effective learning and career advancement.
Peripheral biofeedback assists the client to gain access to physiologic processes that are invisible & associated with stress, integrates the mind and body to improve resilience. Modalities include heart rate, respiration, control of muscle tension (EMG), galvanic skin response or the fight-or-flight response, etc.