Empowering the Core to Reach Career Success

Brain Optimax’s Executive Peak Performance training program is about empowering the executive to reach his highest potential in order to excel in the workplace and creating an efficient, dynamic work environment that is productive and success oriented.

Areas of Impact with Executive Peak Performance Training:

  • Integrating evidence-based neuro-psychophysiological training techniques that increases focus, reduce anxiety, negative thought patterns, self-talk and stress levels;
  • Develop an inner calm to deal more effectively with deadlines and challenges ;
  • Enhance individual performance and greater productivity;
  • Increase productivity and decrease the no. of sick days and lead a happy, balanced life

Our Program Includes:

  • A detailed assessment procedure that includes paper and pen questionnaires, performing an objective yet non-invasive brain mapping procedure to determine cognitive efficiency, emotional strength, etc. and a physiological assessment to establish the resiliency of the executive’s coping mechanisms in response to internal and external demands,
  • Personalized training program to help boost an executive’s cognitive function, creativity, clarity of thought and emotional self-regulation, leading to attainment of his true potential in the workplace
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