The first years are so important for your baby’s brain development. If you wants him to be smart, learn how to be.

Do you know that  brain is the part of the body’s largest and most used in infancy? Do you know also that your baby has super ability, which unfortunately, would be lost in adult life?

Yes, based on research, infants under six months years old can distinguish between good and bad people. They also can find out if someone speaks a foreign language by reading lips movement. At the age of eight months, this ability usually will be lost.

The human brain consists of billions of neurons.  Neurons are connected by events experienced and absorbed by the body senses. Connections between neurons happen when you interact with your child. The connections help infants to understand how to solve problems, handle stress, socialize, and understand the world around him.


Starts from mother’s womb

According to Mr. Thio Chong, consultan psychologist from Reviva Wellmess Clinic, Peak Performance Centre, Jakarta, there are two factors that can affect child’s level of intelligence: nature (genetic) and nurture (environment or parenting)

“Every child is unique. Like fingerprints, the pattern and brain development  are not equal for every person.  Experts found that 20% level of intelligence is formed in the womb, ” said Thio Chong.

Many factors influence the formation of intelligence including maternal health and food that are consumed by mothers during pregnancy (open the article “Food Smart Baby Smart” on page after this section.)

“Trauma, stress, and exercise affect the mother’s blood circulation. While in the womb, the fetus depends on the supply of food brought by the mother’s blood into the placenta. The more current food intake, the more  health and fetal development. Of course, this will also affect brain growth, “explained  Thio Chong.

The power of touch

After birth, the baby must get  brain stimulation to improve brain’s connection. In the book The Science of Parenting,Margot Sunderland wrote that stimulation, attention, and physical touch will help your baby develop his brain.

“The right parenting is really going to help your child deal with stress, socialize, and overcome their anger”, explained Sunderland. When strong emotion (anger for example) occurs, stress hormones, including cortisol will be produced and will cause anxiety, anger, and tendency to overreact.

You can help gland hormones in the baby’s brain produces calm hormones like oxytocin and opoid,  by soothing her through physical touch.

Margot Sunderland said that every time you soothe your baby, you’ve taught him to deal with  emotion. Little by little baby’s brain cells will be connected with such knowledge and your child will grow into a man with a high emotional intelligence.

Touch is also useful for stimulating baby’s physical growth.  Babies that are often massage gently, will become a child who is very close to the family, more confident, and clever to avoid violence.

Supportive Environment

Psychologist Thio Chong tell about environment as one of the important element to create intelligence. Babies who are raised in a loving environment  will have good emotion. While babies who grow up in stress and traumatic environment  will have a mindset full of tension.

A study found that children who experience problems in early life has 30% smaller brain than normal children. However, fortunately the brain is  flexible so that the trauma can be healed.

Psychologist Thio Chong explained that at the beginning of human life, the right brain develop faster than left brain. That is why lessons through song, movement, music, and art will be more easily understand by children.

The left brain will develop next. The parts of the brain will affect each other. For example, if children understand music (right brain), the left brain will learn about math (counting, rhythm tap, and division).Thus, the appropriate stimulation at the right time will help your child to be more intelligent. Start from now, do not postponed !M & B


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