Improve your

Sleep quality

without medications.

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Millions of people struggle with poor sleep.

An estimated 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorder. Nearly 30% of adults reported an average of 6 hours or less sleep per day. In 2009, only 31% of high school students reported getting at least 8 hours of sleep on an average school night.

Sleep insufficiency has been linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters, and medical and other occupational errors. Persons experiencing sleep insufficiency are also more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, and obesity.

The Solution

The DAVID Delight Pro is a portable hand-held device which utilizes two cutting edge, non-invasive, drug-free approaches to help you sleep, which are the Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) and Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES).

AVE is most effective for helping people fall asleep by turning off or shutting down the mental “chatter” after a busy day. People who have difficulty falling asleep often have low levels of serotonin, which can be boosted by the help of AVE.

AVE sessions used during the day reduce stress and anxiety, which also provides for better quality of sleep – the more relaxed your day, the more relaxed your sleep.

Sleep Better with David Delight Pro

The Delight Pro integrates Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) and Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES) to help you improve the onset of sleep with five specially designed sessions: Schumann for Sleep, Meditate to Sleep, Alpha/Theta for Sleep, SMR for Sleep, and Delta.


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1. One-on-One Training Session

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2. Attend a Seminar or Workshop

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