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Pain is a debilitating condition that impairs brain function.

With pain, the brain gets stressed and shuts down serotonin production. So along with the discomfort, the inflicted also suffers from anxiety and cannot sleep.

Through neuroplasticity, the brain increases its focus on the achy areas to alert the person of a problem.

With increasing focus, the perceived discomfort gradually increases and may become several times more intense than the real discomfort would be.

The Solution

Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) is able to reduce aches, pain and discomfort through:

1. Generation of serotonin and endorphins

Endorphins help block the perception of pain, while serotonin increases relaxation and sense of wellbeing. Norepinephrine also increases modestly, which increases the energy and clear-headedness of the person.

2. Dissociation/meditation

While the serotonin and endorphins are doing their thing, the dissociation helps the brain to release pain circuits as the brain is in a meditative and pain-free state of mind during this time. Also, pain gates in the anterior cingulate gyrus are tuned down during dissociation/meditation.

Relieve Your Pain with David Delight

The DAVID Delight is a portable hand-held device which utilizes a cutting edge, non-invasive, drug-free approach to reducing discomfort.


Or let us do the work for you:

1. One-on-One Training Session

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2. Attend a Seminar or Workshop

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