Meditate better.

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Finding inner peace in a noisy world

When the brain perceives stress, it shunts cerebral blood flow away from the cortex, into the body core to prepare for fight or flight. This was an advantageous evolutionary adaptation for our ancestors, but unfortunately this is the opposite of what the present day person needs.

Brainwave activity is slowed down into greater alpha and theta brainwave frequencies, similar to what is seen in those with ADD and ADHD, leaving a person more distractible, impulsive and hyperactive. This behavior, in turn, impairs one’s ability to function, thus increasing stress.

The Solution

AVE has been shown to produce dramatic increases in cerebral blood flow, neurotransmitters, dissociative states, efficient brain activity and sound mental health.

AVE has also proven itself for inducing meditative states and treating anxiety.

Meditate Better with David Delight Plus

The Delight Plus uses Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) to help you reduce stress and achieve deep levels of relaxation.


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1. One-on-One Training Session

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2. Attend a Seminar or Workshop

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