Your results suggest severe depression symptoms. If you find yourself experiencing severe symptoms, it’s crucial to seek professional help promptly.
A mental health professional can conduct a more in-depth assessment, offer a diagnosis, and guide you toward appropriate treatment options. Severe depression may significantly affect your daily life, and getting support is a crucial step toward improvement.
Important Consideration
Professional Guidance
The outcome of this self-assessment tool is not a diagnosis. If your score raises concerns or if you’re struggling, consulting with a healthcare professional is essential for an accurate evaluation and tailored support.

Helpful Interventions

Non-invasive enhancement interventions like Neurofeedback and tDCS can offer relief from conditions such as depression. Such interventions though are best preceded by a diagnostic assessment such as QEEG to gain insights into the underlying brain conditions associated with depression. Click here to learn more.
Mindfulness Exercise
Brief mindfulness exercises, such as Thrive Framework’s Mindful Minute, can aid in re-centering yourself. Research shows that practicing mindfulness can improve your overall well-being, help manage stress, and even boost productivity. Try incorporating these exercises between tasks and during breaks.