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We can train our brains – just as we can train our muscles.

Results That Are Measurable!
Discover a Science-based Life-Transforming Brain Training Solution. Download Our Free eBook To Learn More
Featured Case Studies
Explore stories of the
From struggling high schooler to stellar UK university graduate
Josh's journey started from Makassar, ended in transformation.
From poor learner to confident student
Priscilla was labeled “incapable of learning” by a special needs specialist when her parents brought her to see us. This is what her mother, Madam Yeni reported after her Brain Optimax training:
“This is the best help my child has received, with the fastest and most significant result we have seen. My child had a high level of anxiety and despite having taken her to be treated almost everywhere, there was just no significant result. Brain Optimax was our last stop. Her anxiety gradually diminished – without the use of medicine. And she started to gain confidence. It took less than a year to see positive results. It’s well worth the time and money spent, in comparison to other places that offer no positive result.”
Brain Training Leader with a 10 Year History
Or More Experience Post-training Success
Years of Combined Experienced
Scientific Process

International Scientific Panel

Robert Turner, M.D., MSCR, QEEGD
Pediatric Neurologist

Vincent Clark, PhD
Translational Neuroscientist

Jonathan Walker, M.D., QEEGD