Brain Optimax

Optimizing Brains | Maximizing Potential


Importance of the Brain

Making the brain stronger is our primary mission.

We believe that symptoms improve and brain functions become optimized because the brain is neuroplastic. The brain is able to change when exposed to the stimulation of learning through training and therapy – resulting in improved cognitive & emotional functioning as well as physiological well being.

The Benefits


Increasing your attention and concentration, improving your memory & learning skills


Improving mental flexibility & regulating emotion, thinking and behavior


Maintaining a calm, focused state for better problem solving

The Process

Assessing the Brain

To strengthen the brain, we need to know and understand the brain. There are brain-focused assessments such as Clinical EEG, Full Quantitative EEG (QEEG), and other assessments such as Physiological Assessment, and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA).

Training the Brain

Brain Optimax programs are non-invasive and non-dependent on medication. We integrate a number of brain exercise techniques from the field of Neuro Psychophysiology including brainwave optimization, blood brain perfusion (Hemoencephalography) and self-regulation of the autonomic nervous system to reclaim, restore and rejuvenate the brain.

Balancing Brain & Body

The body affects the brain as much as the brain affects the body. Having a balance between the brain and the body is important, which includes taking care of what you eat, and the way you are treating your body.


Previously, Jose can only speak a few words and unintelligible babbles. It was frustrating for him to be unable to express what he wants and feels. After the therapy, it became easier for Jose to learn new words. Jose became happier since he got complimented every time he learned a new word.. And now Jose has became very talkative.

Parent of Jose, 2 Year-Old

Ready to get started?

Contact us by using one of the options below to start optimizing your brain.

Call us at:

(021) 458 70 229

WhatsApp us at:

0878 8722 3167

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Visit us at:

M38 Miami Bay, Mall of Indonesia
Jalan Boulevard Raya Barat
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14240

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